We now open an account on OFUSE where you can write fan letters to us and to donate at the same time. Our account is True Color create which is a sole proprietorship which we outsource our projects to. Unfortunately, it is only in Japanese, but still you can try with google translation… You can open your fan account by using your Google, Facebook, and Twitter account. Some foreign credit card might not work.

Donate WE GiRLs CAN

We have started a project on a crowdfunding site called Readyfor on 16th of June, 2017 and achieved the goal on 28th of June.
Thank you very much for all the support and ales. We could accomplish the project to raise funds for developing the App.
We are so grateful for your support.
The project page on the Readyfor: モラハラ・共依存関係に苦しむ女性をアプリで救っていきたい!
The App has been developed and started on sale from iTunes Store since 23rd of November 2017 until November 2020.

We are waiting for your continuous support.
If you are interested, please contact from Inquiry form.

Let’s create a world where born as a woman is not a downside. Because it is NOT!